Tuesday, 14 June 2011

CV Ntonghanwah Forcheh

Ntonghanwah Forcheh Resume 

Ntonghanwah Forcheh(PhD) holds a BSC (London), MSC (Sheffield) and PhD (Sheffield) all in statistics and is currently an Assoc. Professor in Statistics. I have served as the Head of Department of Statistics for the maximum 2 terms (2004-2010) and have been a consultant for several local organizations including the Central Statistics Office, Ministry of Communications Science and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, National AIDS Coordinating Agency, Botswana Telecommunications Authority, Rural Industries Promoting Centre,  EECG, among others, as well as for some international organizations such as JICA and UN-FAO. I have assisted in developing departmental, regional (SADC) and pan-African syllabi for training of statisticians & served as resource person in training staff of many organizations in research methods and statistical computing, notably SPSS. I have been invited to and actively contributed to many continental workshops on statistical development and human resources, Gender Statistics, NSDS,

I have almost 20 years of working as a statistician – conducting training, research and professional services such as consulting, external examiner and reviewer to a number of journals. I have, as of May 2011 published 5 book chapters, 21 refereed journal articles, 5 refereed conference proceedings, 3 monographs and 5 technical reports either as single or co-author. As a lecturer, I have played a key role in the design and introduction of first ever Postgraduate Diploma and Master degrees in statistics at the University of Botswana in 1998. As Head of Dept, I introduced the first ever PhD/MPhil in Statistics, University of Botswana, participated in reviewing of the SADC model syllabus for training of junior Statisticians in SADC, and developed it into a Diploma in Stats Program at University of Botswana. I have actively participated in many workshops for development of statistics in Africa as well as the Southern Africa region. These include the Statistics Commission for Africa biennial workshops, African Symposium for Statistical development (ASSD), African Group on Statistical Training and Human Resources (AGROST) and various SADC workshops for harmonization of statistical training syllabi and curriculum development among others. As a result, I am very conversant with the Statistical needs in National Statistical Systems in the continent, and have been contributing as a trainer and consultant to address some of these needs for the past 10 years.

I have extensive experience in the use of SPSS for analysis of large scale surveys. I regularly teach SPSS to our degree students as well. I also have extensive experience in use of SPSS Builder for developing data entry applications. I have also developed data entry applications using MS Access, EPI data, QPL and CSPro.  Recent important projects include working as part of two international teams in project for Botswana Dept of International Trade to Analyze the regulatory regimes, statistical data and market opportunities for specific services sector in the EU and SADC. During this project, I gained a full appreciation of the data gaps and data needs for Botswana with regards to Trade in Services in particular, and other trade data in general. One of the outcomes of this experience was recommendation made at the project seminar on the way forward for collection and harmonization of trade statistics in Botswana.

         NAME:                                   Ntonghanwah Forcheh (Ph.D.)      
         DATE OF BIRTH:                31 August 1964.   
         MARITAL STATUS:            Married with 3 children



University of Sheffield
University of Sheffield
University of London (UCL)
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Further Mathematics
Cameroon College of Arts, Science & Technology (CCAST)
8 Subjects including Maths & English
G.S.S Nyasosso, 

1.2.2: Other Recent Training
Participation Certificate
Participatory methods in the analysis of poverty
Central Statistics office and United Nations Development Programme, Botswana
24-28 July 2006
Attainment Certificate
Enhanced eLearning Certificate
Centre for Academic Development, Univ. of Botswana
Oct-Dec 2006

1.2.3: Computing Competency   
·         SPSS Data Entry Builder and Station, CSPRO, EPIDATA, QPL
·         Computer programming in FORTRAN and QBASIC.
·         LaTeX,  Microsoft Office and MS FrontPage
·         WebCT 6/Blackboard for web based instruction

1.3   Employment Record:
23-Sept 2009-Present
Associated Professor, Department of Statistics, UB: Department of Statistics, UB, Teaching, Research, Services and academic leadership
01-August 2004-July 2010:
Head of Department of Statistics, University of Botswana (UB). Supervised 23 academic and 2-support staff,  provide academic leadership, manage Undergraduate, graduate and PhD programs, prepare budgets, acquire manage Dept recourses.
23-Sept 2003-August 2009
Senior Lecturer, Department of Statistics, UB, Teaching, Research and Services
01-July – 31 August 1999:
Acting Head, Department of Statistics
11-Nov 1992 Sept 2003
Lecturer, Department of Statistics, UB:  Department of Statistics, UB, Teaching, Research and Services

1.4 Scholarship/ Awards
Cameroon Scholarship for outstanding performance in the 1983 G.C.E  Advanced Level. Award to study for a Bachelor Degree in Statistics in the United Kingdom (1983).

1.5. Positions held at Other Universities
Black Access Program, Castle College, Sheffield, England

Tutorial Assistant

Dept. of  Probability & Statistics Sheffield University,

Tutorial Assistant

Post-Black Access students at Sheffield Polytechnic, England.

1.6: Positions held at the University of Botswana:-            
23 Sept 2009 to Present                            Associate Professor, Dept of Statistics
01 August 2004 to Present:                      Head, Department of Statistics
22 September, 2003 to Present                Senior Lecturer in Statistics:
01 July – 31 August 1999:                        Acting Head, Department of Statistics
19 Nov., 1992 to 21 Sept. 2003                 Lecturer in Statistics     
    Current annual Salary                               BWP386,436
Current Supervisor:                          Prof. K. Thaga,
Head of Dept of Statistics,

2.1: Current Teaching (Semester I, 2009/2010)

 (I have taught 17 different courses at the University of Botswana since my first appointment as shown below)

2.2  Other Teaching
Ö     1998-1990: Mathematics & Statistics Lecturer. The Black Access Program, Castle College, Granville Road, Sheffield S2 2RL.
Ö     1988-1991: Tutorial Assistant, University of Sheffield, England

2.2:  Student Supervision
2.2.1 Post Graduate Dissertations/Projects Supervised
1.       Ndwapi N. (2008). Multivariate analysis of Poverty using Association Rules. (Master of Statistics degree dissertation. Department of Statistics, University of Botswana).
2.       Pule M. (2006): Quality of Botswana Trade Statistics and Implications for Botswana’s share of SACU revenue.  (Master of Statistics degree dissertation. Department of Statistics, University of Botswana).
3.       Mapesala M. (2004):  Influence of socio-economic and demographic factors on cereal production in Botswana. .  (Master of Statistics degree dissertation. Department of Statistics, University of Botswana).
4.       Musenge E. (2003). Modeling Water level of Boreholes in Botswana: A case study of the Palapye Wellfields. Masters of Statistics Degree Dissertation, University of Botswana.
5.      Mengistu Elenni (2000). Effects of Agricultural Inputs and Gender Differentials on Cereal Production: A case study of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. (Masters Statistics Degree Dissertation, Department of Statistics, University of Botswana).
6.       Suwareh B.S.A. (1998).   Impact of Population on the Attainment of Food Self Sufficiency in the Gambia.. (co-supervised with Dr. H. Bariagaber). (Post Graduate Diploma Research project, Population and Sustainable Development Program, University of Botswana).
7.       Muhamad A. (1998). The Effects of Socio-Economic & Demographic Factors on Mother and Child Health in Pakistan. (Post Graduate Diploma Research project for the Population and Sustainable Development Program, University of Botswana).
8.       Mushongah J., (1997).  Gender Issues and the Management of Rural Water Supply. A case study of the Chivi District, Zimbabwe. (Postgraduate Research project for the Population and Sustainable Development Program, University of Botswana).  

2.3.2:  Undergraduate Projects Supervised
9.      Segolame Davis (2009). Review of the use and misuse of factor analysis with an illustrative example using student performance data. Bachelor of Statistics degree project. Department of Statistics, University of Botswana).
10.  Khachana T. (2003). From Linear regression to ordinal logistic regression: A Review.    (Batchelor of Statistics degree project. Department of Statistics, University of Botswana).
11.  Kgakololo C. (2002). Job Satisfaction among University of Botswana lecturers. (Bachelor of Statistics degree project. Department of Statistics, University of Botswana)
12.   Mogapi O. S. (2001):  Predicting Crop Production From farmer's estimates: A Case study of Maize Production in Ethiopia. (Bachelor of Statistics degree project, Department of Statistics, University of Botswana).

2.4:   Guest Lectures and Short Courses
I have been invited to deliver Guest lectures for various Quantitative Methods/Computer Application Courses to a number of Postgraduate Programs at the University of Botswana, notably:
1999:  (February): Quantitative Methods & Computer Applications for MPA/MBA students, University of Botswana (2x2hrs lectures, Invited by Dr. W. Edge, PAS).
1999 (March): Introduction to SHAZAM: Guest lecture to M.A. Econometrics students,  Dept of Economics, UB. (Invited by Prof. M.S. Mukras)
1998 (October): Position paper and facilitator for The Use of Internet in Social Science Research. A 2 days workshop for Lecturers, Faculty of Social Sciences.
1997(October): Introduction to SPSS for Windows. A 2 days workshop for Lecturers, Faculty of Social Sciences and NIR.
1997/98:  Organisation and Analysis of Survey data using SPSS. Guest lecture to the Master in Library & Information Science (MLIS) students (1x2hrs lecture, Invited by Dr. B. Grand, LIS)
1995/96 and 1996/7: Quantitative Methods & Computer Applications for MPA/MBA students, University of Botswana (3x2hrs lectures, Invited by Dr. W. Edge (PAS).
1993/94: Introduction to Statistics and organisation and analysis of survey data: Guest lectures to MBA students  (3x2hrs lectures: Invited by Prof. B.A. Fubara, School of Accounting and Management Studies, UB).

3:  Publications:
3.1:  Chapters in Books:
  1.  Brown, B., & Ntonghanwah, F. (2009). Exploratory investigation into pre-service teachers' career-goal contents and their relationships with class participation motivation in higher education in Africa. In W. Kouwenhoven (ed.). Advances in technology, education, and development, (pp.425-450).Vukovar, Croatia: Intech
  2. A A. Alao,  S.O. Ojo and N. Forcheh. (2009). Using Computer Technology for education and occupational information.  Analysis of Trends at the University of Botswana. In Roth R., Hiew C. and communion A.L (eds). Peace, Hope, and well-being across cultures. Proceedings of the 65th Annual convention of Psychologists. August 11-14, 2007. pp191—201.Shaker Verlag Aachen, Germany. ISBN 978-3-8322-7917-2. www.shaker.de
  3. Alao, A., Forcheh, N., Roy, H., and Tidimane, C. (2007) Alcohol Use at the Universities.  Analysis of Trends at the University of Botswana. In  McCarthy S., Newstead, S, Karandashev, V., Prandini, C., Hutz, C., and Gomes, W. (Eds.) Teaching Psychology Around the World. pp. 439 – 457. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK,. ISBN 1-84718-259-3.
  4. Forcheh N. (2006). Statistical Components of Social Research Ethics. In Apollo R. and Nyamnjoh F.B. (editors): Challenges and Responsibilities of Social research in Africa: Ethical Issues, pp91-100. OSSREA, Addis Ababa. ISBN 99912-572-9-2 http://www.ossrea.net/
  5. Forcheh N. (1995). Further Aspects of Data Analysis. Book chapter in Fubara B. A. and Mguni B. S.: Research Methods in Management, Minerva Press, UK. P193-210.

3.2: Refereed Journal Articles

1.       Fako TT. Kangara LW and Forcheh N. (2010). Predictors of knowledge about HIV/AIDS among young people: Lessons from Botswana. Journal of AIDS and HIV Research Vol. 2(6), pp. 116-130, September 2010
2.       Alao, A.A., Mabote, M.M., Sento-Pelaelo, O.T., Kgosidintsi, A.D. Forcheh, N., Molojwane, M.B.,  Mphele, S.B.M., Mulosu, S., Setlhare-Oagile, N., Phaladze, N., Msimanga-Ramatebele, S.H., Kgathi, C (2010). Coping strategies during bereavement. Ontario journal of African educational research. Summer 2010 pp1-18
3.       Yadavalli V.S.S, Labeodan MMO, Udayabaskaran S. and Forcheh N. (2010). Modeling T4 cell count as a marker of HIV progression in absence of any defense mechanism. Orion Vol 26 (2),  pp.113-123
4.       Fako T.T, Stoffel R. T. Moeng SRT and Forcheh N. (2009). Gender Differences in Satisfaction with the Type of Work University Employees Do: Evidence from the University of Botswana. J. Service Science & Management, 2009, 2: 404-417 Online December 2009 (www.SciRP.org/journal/jssm) Copyright © 2009 SciRes JSSM
5.       Setlhare K.,  Forcheh N. and  Gabaitiri L. (2009). Estimating the Contribution of HIV/AIDS and Related Causes to Mortality in Botswana. European Journal of Social Sciences – Vol 9(2) (August 2009), pp218-230. www.eurojournals.com/ejss_9_2_04.pdf
6.       Forcheh N. and Fako TT. (2007). Determinants of effective productivity among service workers: the case of nurses in Botswana. African Journal of Business Management Vol. 1 (5), 099-106. Full text at: http://www.academicjournals.org/AJBM/contents/2007cont/Aug.htm
7.       Ekosse, G-I. E.  and Forcheh N. (2007). Mining Association Rules Applied to Goethite and Haematite Abundances in Manganese-Contaminated Soils. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies Vol. 16, No. 4 (2007), 531-538.
 Abstract at: http://www.pjoes.com/index.php?s=abs_index&id=2007160400
8.       Ekosse G., Fouche P.S. and Forcheh N. (2006). Granulometry, cluster analysis and spatial distribution of manganese contaminated soils, Kgwakwe, south-eastern Botswana. International Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol. 63(2), p155-169. (April).           http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals
9.       Ekosse G. and Forcheh N. (2005). A multivariate Analytical Approach to Granulometry of Kaolinitic Sediments from Botswana. Botswana Journal of Technology Vol. 14(1). 36-42. Indexed and abstracted at:  http://www.ajol.info/ .
10.    Ekosse G., Ngilia J.C. and Forcheh N. (2005). Multivariate analyses of heavy metals in soils and Colophospermum mopane leaves around the Selebi Phikwe nickel-copper mine and smelter/concentrator plant area, Botswana. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Mgt.(JASEM). Vol. 9(1). p177-185. online at: http://bioline.org.br/ja  
11.    Fako T.T., Forcheh N., and Linn J.G. (2004). Correlates of work-Place stress: A case study of Botswana Nurses working in clinics. Botswana Notes and Records. Vol. 36. p106-124
12.    Fako T.T and Forcheh N. (2004). Factors associated with nurses’ involvement in postnatal health education in Botswana. Pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies. Vol. 18(2). Pp26—36. online at: http://schapera.fws1.com/pula
13.    Fako T.T., Forcheh N. and Ncube E. (2004).  Prospects of safe motherhood in Botswana: Midwifery training and nurses ability to complete the Botswana Obstetric Record. Journal of Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 58 pp1109--1120. online at:  http://elsevier.com/locate/socscimed
14.    Forcheh N. (2003). Designing and Coding Survey Instruments for Statistical Analysis. Pula:  Botswana Journal of African Studies. Volume 17, No.1 Issue 28, pp67-84. online at: http://schapera.fws1.com/pula
15.    Forcheh N. (2002). Ehrenberg Law-like relationship and anthropometry. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: A 165, Part 1, pp.155-172.
16.    Fako T.T, Forcheh N. and Balogi K.T.O. (2002).  Productivity among Nurses in Botswana. African Sociological Review. Vol. 6(1) pp148-160.
17.    Fako T.T, Forcheh N (2002). Extent of Involvement in postnatal Health Education by Nurses in BotswanaAfrica Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. Vol. 4(2). P49-54
18.    Onyewadume, I.U., Amusa, L.O. & Forcheh, N. (2001). Comparative analysis of selected physical and motor performance characteristics of athletes with mental and physical disabilities. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 7(2), 361-380.
19.    Fako T.T and Forcheh N. (2000). Involvement in Antenatal Health Education among Nurses in Botswana. Mosenodi: Journal of the Botswana Educational Research Association, Vol. 8, No. 1 pp.27-39.
20.    Fako T.T and Forcheh N. (2000):  Job Satisfaction among nurses in Botswana. Society in Transition: Journal of the South African Sociological Association. Vol. 31, No. 1 p10-21.
21.    Forcheh N. (1994). Sex Bias in Handwriting and Students' Evaluation. Tonota Journal of Education (TOJET): Volume 2 p45-62

3.3:  Articles in refereed Conference Proceedings
22.      Amos Alao A., Sunday O. Ojo and Ntonghanwah Forcheh (2010). Gender and Computer Diffusion in a transitional Society – The Case of Botswana. In R. Roth, C. Barreda-Hanson and Ch. Hiew (Eds.): Families in Transition: Proceedings of the 66th Annual Convention International Council of Pschologists. July 15—18, 2008: St. Petersburg, Russia. ISBN 978-3-8322-9180-8, Shaker Verlag, Aachen
23.      Forcheh N, and Amey AKA (2007). Monitoring Malnutrition in under-Fives: A new Statistic. In Njuho, P.M. and Mwambi, H.G. (2007). Biometry in Poverty Alleviation Programmes. Proceedings of SUSAN-IBS Conference, 7-11 July, 2003, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. p40-48. http://www.tibs.org/WorkArea/downloadasset.aspx?id=636/ 
24.      Yadavalli VSS, Setlhare K. and Forcheh, N. (2006). Stochastic structures of graded size in manpower planning systems. In H. Nyongesa (Editor).  Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization, September 11-13, 2006, Gaborone, Botswana. ISBN: 0-88986-618-X /cd 0-88986-620-1. pp 128-132. ACTA Press, Anaheim/Calgary/Zurich.  http://www.actapress.com/Abstract.aspx?paperId=28288
25.      Forcheh N. (2003). Education attainment as per 2001 Population and Housing Census. In “2001 Population and Housing dissemination seminar: 8-11 September, 2003”. Published by Central Statistics Office, Gaborone. Dec 2003; p366-377.
26.      Forcheh N. and Setlhare K. (2002). Gender Differentials in Mortality in Botswana. In Gender: Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of the 1st National Conference of the Gender Policy and Programme Committee (GPPC), edited by Kaye S., Machacha L and Maundeni T.

3.4:  Monographs
27.           Nyamnjoh F.B., Forcheh N. and Maphanyane M. (2002). Survey on the Level and Perception of Freedom of Expression in Botswana. MISA Botswana and Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Gaborone. 27pages. ISBN 99912-993-3-5.
28.           Sunny G., Babikanyisa V., Forcheh N. and Akinboade O. A. (2001). A Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa: Costs and Benefits. Regional Integration Research Network Series Papers. No. 13. COMESA, Lusaka. 80pages. ISBN 9982-26-006-5.
29.           Fubara B.A., Forcheh N., Iwisi D.S. & Magembe B.A.S(1994). Predicting Corporate Health in Botswana. University of Botswana. 25pages. ISBN 99912-2-093-3

3.5:  Technical Reports
30.           Forcheh N. (1997). An optimum subset of principal components for discrimination. Department of Statistics Working paper series, No. 3, University of Botswana.
31.           Forcheh N. (1994). Principal Components Analysis of Structured Multivariate Data. Department of Statistics Working paper series, No.1, University of Botswana.
32.           Fubara B.A., Mukras, M. Forcheh N. and Osei-Hwedie (editors) (1994). Proceedings of the African Regional Conference: Effect of European Economic Integration and its Implications for Africa. Conference held in Gaborone, Botswana (20-24 June 1994). (approved but not published by Minerva Press, UK)..
33.           Forcheh N.(1988). Analysis of the Kalahari Particle Size Data. Research report, Department of Probability and Statistics, University of Sheffield.
3.6:     Published Conference Abstracts.
34.           Forcheh N. (2001). Ehrenberg Law-like relationship and anthropometry. Abstract in the South African Statistical Journal Vol. 33 (2). p212-213.

3.7: Other Unpublished Research
  1. Fieller N.R.J., Forcheh N. and Nicholson P.(1991). 3). Statistics of provenance studies with special reference to the ICPS measurements of trace elements.  Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) conference.  Oxford University.
  2. Forcheh N.(1991). Linear Discriminant and Principal Components Analyses of Multi- structured Data. Postgraduate (Statistics) Students conference. Newcastle, England. March 1991.
  3. Forcheh N.(1990). Principal Components Analysis of Multi-Grouped Data. Postgraduate (Statistics) Students conference, Bath, 1990.
  4. Forcheh N.(1989). Multivariate Analysis of Multi-Grouped Data. Postgraduate (Statistics) Students conference. Glasgow, 1989.

3.8:  Thesis and Dissertations
  1. Forcheh N.(1992). Principal components and linear discriminant analysis of multi-structured data sets, with applications in Archaeological and Environmental studies. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sheffield.
  2. Forcheh N. (1987). Sex Bias in Handwriting. M.Sc. Dissertation, Department of Probability and Statistics, University of Sheffield.
  3. Forcheh N.(1986). Predictive Validity of the Government Common Entrance Examination into Secondary Schools in Cameroon. B.Sc. Dissertation. Department of Statistics, University College London.

Other ongoing Research
2009-2010:  Grief and bereavement and coping strategies among University of Botswana students. Lead Statistician in an Office of Research and Development (ORD) funded project with Careers and Counseling Unit and Department of Psychology.

3.9: Notable Academic Conferences attended where I presented a Paper
Paper Presented
1.     August 2009: 57th Session of the International Statistics Institute (ISI) conference, 16-22 Aug 2009, ICC, Durban, South Africa
Mining Association Rules beyond Market research. (Session STCPM6)
2.        August 2009: 57th Session of the International Statistics Institute (ISI) conference, 16-22 Aug 2009, ICC, Durban, South Africa
Data Challenges in monitoring MDGs in Africa: HIV/AIDS prevalence data. (Session STCPM34)
3.        July 2007: IBS - SUSAN 2007 WORKSHOP / CONFERENCE
24 to 27 July 2007  KUMASI, GHANA, ASHANTI REGION, Ghana[1]
HIV/AIDS Pandemic and the Shifting Roles and Needs of the Elderly in Africa
4.       November 2006:  South African Statistical Association Conference, Stellenbosch University from 30 Oct-3 Nov 2006
Multi-grade manpower systems with grade dependent promotion probabilities
5.        SEPT. 2006: The IASTED Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization, Gaborone, Botswana, Africa
September 11-13, 2006.
Stochastic Structures of Graded Size in Manpower Planning Systems
6.       Nov. 2005: South African Statistical Association Conference, Rhodes University. 31 Oct-4 Nov 2005
Sources of Variability in Student Performance: Impact of Question Choice.
7.       May 2005: Departmental Seminar Workshop. Mokolodi Game Reserve Conference Hall. 20th May 2005
Are All Botswana Coins Fair?
8.        Nov. 2004: South African Statistical Association (SASA) 2004 Conference, Bloemfontein. 01-05 Nov 2004
Modelling the Likelihood of Non-Harvest of Cereal Crops among Traditional Farmers in Botswana
9.       Sept 2003: Botswana 2001 Population Housing census dissimilation conference 8-11 September 2003, Boipuso Hall, Gaborone
Education Attainment in Botswana as per 2001 Census
10.    2003: 50th Anniversary Conference of the South African Statistics Association. Caesar Palace, 03-07 November 2007.
Role and Utility of Assessment in University Education
11.    2003: 2001 Population and Housing Census Dissemination Seminar; 8-11 September, 2003. Gaborone, Botswana.
Education Attainment in Botswana in 2001.
12.    2003:             Eighth Biannual Conference of the Sub-Saharan Network of the International Biometrics Society. Theme: Biometry in Poverty Alleviation. University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg Campus. 7th -12th July, 2003.
Monitoring Malnutrition in under-fives: a New Statistic
13.     2001:             The University of Botswana-Gender Policy Programme Committee: First National Conference on Gender: Gender Development: Opportunities and Challenges in Botswana. 22nd-24th October 2001. Maharaja, Gaborone.
Gender Differentials in Mortality in Botswana.
14.     2001: The OSSREA Botswana Research workshop on challenges and responsibilities of doing social research in Botswana: Ethical Issues. 4-5th June 2001, OASIS MOTEL, Tlokweng.
Statistical Components of Social Research Ethics
15.    1999:  South African Statistics Association Conference. 3-5 November, 1999. Durban.
Ehrenberg Law like Relationship and Anthropometry
16.  1999. Faculty of Social Science Workshop on "Social Science Research in Africa". April 28-29 1999. University of Botswana.
Issues in the Organisation and Analysis of Survey Data.
17.   1997:  PTA/IDRC Research Network Conference on Setting up of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa  (COMESA). Padmozi Hotel, Lusaka, Zambia from 28 to 30 April 1997.
Costs and Benefits for setting up COMESA.
18.   1991:  Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) Conference. Oxford UniversityEngland
Joint Paper presented by Supervisor
19.   1991:   Postgraduate (Statistics) Students Conference. Newcastle, England. March 1991.
Linear Discriminant and Principal Components Analyses of Multi- structured Data.
20.   1990:   Postgraduate (Statistics) Students Conference. Bath, England. March 1990
Principal Components Analysis of Multi-Grouped Data.
21.   1989:   Postgraduate (Statistics) Students Conference. Glasgow, Scotland. March 1989.
Multivariate Analysis of Multi-Grouped Data. 1989.
22.   1988:   Postgraduate (Statistics) Students Conference. Surrey, England. March 1988.
Multivariate Analysis of Multi-Structured Data.

3.10. Significant workshops and Symposia for Statistics Development attended:
2010     Statistics Commission for Africa  - STATCOM-Africa-II, UN_ECA hall, 17 – 22 January 2010, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Organized by United Nations Economic Commission for Africa and Friends of Africa. This was the second of the biennial STATCOM for Africa meeting that brings together policy makers in Statistics across the continent, as well as from supporting agencies such as the World Bank, UN Statistics Commission, PARIS21 the review progress and plan for the future in the development of Statistics in Africa. The workshop was highly successful, and established several working groups to develop policies and indicators for development of statistics, including AGROST, Gender Statistics, Environment Statistics, etc. I contributed significantly during both plenary and breakaway sessions.
2009     Africa Statistical Harmonisation and Capacity Building Integration, East London, South Africa, 7-12 December. Discussed the Harmonisation and Capacity building strategies necessary for achiving the African Union Integration Agenda, as well as made proposal for the Second ST for Statistics in Re
2009     5th Africa Symposium on Statistical Development (ASSD). DakarSenegal. UNECA -Africa Centre for Statistics.
2009     The PARIS21 Consortium Meeting “Statistics for development - Renewing the partnership” (Dakar, Senegal, 16-18 November 2009). The Partnership for Statistics in the 21st Century (PARIS21) was the main organiser for this workshop that was hosted by the government of Senegal. The President
2009:   Meeting of the African GROup on Statistical Training and Human Resources (AGROST).  Novotel Hotel, 18–19 June 2009, Bujumbura, Burundi.  A Forum on statistical training and human resources in Africa took place in Bujumbura, Burundi from 18 to 19 June 2009. It brought together 58 representatives from African Statistical Training Centers (STCs), Statistics Departments of selected universities, National Statistical Offices (NSOs), sub regional, regional, and international organizations with special interest in statistical training and human resources development in Africa. The Forum was jointly organized by the African Centre for Statistics (ACS), the African Development Bank (AfDB), and the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21), and the French Cooperation, in close collaboration with the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of Burundi (ISTEEBU).  
2009: Rockefeller workshop for Training of Trainers (from Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland) on the Biometrics and Research Methods Teaching Resource CD. Dr. N.O. Ama and I jointly organised the 3 days workshop hosted by Dept of Statistics, University of Botswana 01-03 June 2009.
2008:    First Regional Workshop on National Strategies for the Development of Statistics (NSDS). Organized by UN-ECA –African Centre for Statistics and Partners. UN Building, Addis Ababa, 17-19 Dec. 2009.
2008:    Regional Workshop on gender Statistics. Organized by UNECA –African Centre for Statistics and Partners. Addis Abba, Ethiopia. UN Building, 15-16 Dec. 2009.
2008:    Restitution workshop: Capacity Building Program for STCs, Abidjan 24-25 July. Capacity building program for Statistics training Centres and Institutes. Organised by African Capacity Building Foundation and partners. I Participated as Head of Dept of an invited Training Centre. Our Dept was selected as one of the Training Centres to host Postgraduate Training in Statistics
2008:    The second international workshop for the Teaching of Biometry in Africa. University of Cape Town. 30 June to Saturday, 5 July 2008. Sponsored by Rockefeller  Foundation. I participated as a Trainer of Trainers.
2007:    SADC/EU Regional Statistical Training Project (RSTP) - 8 ACP RAU 005 Training of Trainers/Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, 19-30 November 2007: Johannesburg, South Africa.
2007:    SADC/EU Regional Statistical Training Project (RSTP) - 8 ACP RAU 005 Training of Trainers/Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, 14-19 May 2007:  Zanzibar, U.R. Tanzania.
2006:    The First International workshop for the Teaching of Biometry in Africa. The University of Cape Town. Monday 26th June to Friday 30th June 2006. Sponsored by Rockefeller  Foundation.
2006:    Participatory Poverty Assessment Methods Workshop. 24-28, July 2006, Gaborone, Botswana. Organised by UNDP in collaboration with the Central Statistics Office.
2005:    Poverty Mapping Workshop, The Convention Centre, Grand Palm, Gaborone.

3.9  Other Workshops and Conferences
2007.    Resource person at the CODESRIA ((www.codesria.org) Methodological Workshop of Training the Trainers with theme: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Social Science held at Hotel ‘Les Flamboyants’, Sally Portudal (seaside resort) in Mbour,  Senegal– Tel: +221 33-957-07-70. 10-14 December 2007.
2003:    Crossing Borders to Fight HIV/AIDS. Botswana National Productivity Centre (BNPC) and Fafo Institute of Applied Social Science Conference. November 25, 2003, Boipuso Hall, Gaborone.
2003:    Enhanced Sampling and Analysis of Messy Data for Biometricians. The Eighth SUSAN 2003 Pre-conference Course: 4—6 July, 2003. University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg.
2000:    Millennium Conference of Commonwealth Statistics. 1-5 May, 2000. Botswana Conference and Exhibition Centre. Gaborone
1999:    Data Mining. One-day Pre-conference workshop organised by South African Statistics Association on  2 November, 1999. University of Natal, Durban.
1998:   Botswana Literacy Survey Dissemination Seminar. Boipuso Hall-Gaborone. 22-24 June 1998. Seminar to disseminate and discuss the results of the first ever literacy survey in Botswana, hosted by C.S.O.
1997:     Population and Sustainable Development Program (P&SD). Workshop on the research projects of the 1996/7 participants.  Mokolodi  Nature Reserve 21-22 May 1997. (Also chaired a Session).
1997:     Population and Sustainable Development Program (P&SD) Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting University of Botswana, 5-6 May 1997. 
1996:     Population and Sustainable Development Program (P&SD). Curriculum Review Seminar. Kagison Centre, Gaborone. November 1996.
1995:    The CSO 1993 Botswana Agricultural Census Results Seminar. Sheraton Hotel, Gaborone Botswana. 4 April 1995.
1994:     Workshop on Conference Overview and the Way Forward: African Regional Conference: Effect of European Economic Integration and its Implications for Africa. Oasis Motel, Gaborone Botswana from 20-24 June 1994.

3.10: Ongoing Work
Sponsored Project
  1. N. Forcheh, N.O. Ama, K. Sediakgotla, P. M. Kgosi, K. Setlhare (2007). Factors responsible for academic differentials: a case study of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Botswana”. A project funded by UB FSS Research and Publications Committee under round 13 of ORD research funding. Questionnaire instruments currently being developed.

4: Service:

4.1 Service to the University
2004 to 2010: Head of the Department of Statistics since 1st August 2004 to 31 July 2010
May 2005 to 2006: Member of the Publications Committee of the OSISA-UB Partnership.
2002/2003:  Representative of the Faculty of Social Sciences to the Faculty of Science Board.
1997 to 2002: Chairman of the Faculty of Social Sciences Computer Advisory Committee. Committee determined faculty IT requirements, recruited IT staff for the Faculty and commissioned and undertook training courses for staff   before centralisation in 2002.
1993-94        Drafted the document to set up the Statistical Services Unit (SSU) in the department of Statistics (jointly with Mr. Mabotho) which led to the established of the SSU in 1997.
1999 (July-August):  Acting Head of Department of Statistics at the University of Botswana
1994-1999    Coordinator (jointly with one other colleague in the Dept) of the Statistical Services Unit (SSU) in the Department of Statistics. Contributed in bringing in and performing several projects for the Unit.
1993 to 1997.  Secretary of the Organising Committee of the Postgraduate Programs in Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Botswana.
May 1997:   Served as an Internal Examiner and chaired a session at the Workshop to present and examine the research projects of the 1996/7 participants of Population and Sustainable Development Program (P&SD): Mokolodi  Nature Reserve 21-22 May 1997.
Nov. 1996: Chairman of the subcommittee to review quantitative method courses of Population and Sustainable Development courses for Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Botswana.
1996:           Representative of the Department of Statistics to the Graduate Study Committee Board.
1993 to 1995: Secretary of the Organising Committee of the African Regional Conference on the proposed European Economic Integration and its implications for Africa held in Gaborone, Botswana from 20 to 24 June 1994.
Dec. 1995:  Undertook a facts finding mission to the Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (ISAE), University of Makerere, Uganda as part of the Needs Assessment for Setting up the Postgraduate Programme in Statistics. Mission commissioned by the Vice Chancellor, University of Botswana.
1994 to 1995: Conducted the Needs Assessment study for the setting up of the UB Postgraduate programs in Statistics.

4.2.  Professional Services.
4.2.1 Academic Leadership
August 2009: Chaired the following 2 Sessions During the 57th Session of the International Statistics Institute held in Durban, South Africa. STCPM 6, Data Mining Methods and STCPM 7, Data Mining Applications.
June 2009:   Jointly organized the Training of Trainers workshop on the Biometrics and Research Methods Teaching Resource CD at the Department of Statistics, University of Botswana. Academics, researchers and trainers came from Universities in Botswana, Namibia and Swaziland.
December 2007. Resource person at the CODESRIA (www.codesria.org) Methodological Workshop of Training the Trainers with theme: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Social Science held at Hotel ‘Les Flamboyants’, Sally Portudal (seaside resort) in Mbour,  Senegal– Tel: +221 33-957-07-70. .  10-14 December 2007
4.2.2 Reviewer for International Journals, namely:
  1. The African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition And Development (AJFAND, 1 article reviewed in 2009)
  2. Journal of Higher Education in Africa (1 article reviewed in 2007, 1 in 2008, 1 in 2009)
  3. Educational Research and Reviews (2 articles reviewed in 2007)
  4. Africa Development (3 articles in 2006)
  5. Botswana Journal of Business (1 article in  2005)

4.2.3  External Examiner at other
January 2010 University of Forte Hare, East London, South Africa, Faculty of education. External Examiner for a Master of education thesis.
2007– 2009  Department of Statistics, University of Venda, South Africa, External Examiner for Graduate Programs. Also serving as Adviser to a PhD student.
April 1998 to Dec 2003:  External Examiner for Quantitative Methods Courses at the Botswana Institute of Administration and Commerce (BIAC).

Projects and Consultancies:
August – December 2010: Statistician for project: Analysis of the regulatory regimes, statistical data and market opportunities for specific services sector in the EU under EPA in Botswana. Main Contract No. Project:9.ACP.RPR.007-CRIS 2009/226842: 144/TA/TRADECOM/P137awarded to SAANA Consulting, UK
Sept – December 2010: Statistician: Assistance to the Botswana Dept of International Trade, Ministry of Trade and Industry to “Analysis of the Regulatory Regimes, Statistical Data and Market Opportunities for Specific Services Sectors in SADC under SADC Protocol on Trade in Services”. Main Contract no Project:9.ACP.RPR.007-CRIS 2009/226842: 178/TA/TradeCom/P145 awarded to Imani Development South Africa
November 01-05, 2010: Co-trained 7 department of tourism (DOT) staff in research methods and use of PASW/SPSS for analysis of tourism data sets.
Nov-Dec 2008: Lead Co-researcher on behalf of the Statistics Services Unit (SSU) on the Project to determine costumer satisfaction with Water Utilities Corporation Services – Sponsored by Water Utilities Corporation.
Aug-2008 to February 2009: Lead Co-researcher on behalf of the Statistics Services Unit (SSU) for the Project to determine the likely Impact of the proposed (2008) Liquor regulations on Traditional Beer. Project Sponsored by Botswana Breweries Limited (BBL).
May 2008: SSU Project:  I-TECH Short Course in Introduction to SPSS. Co-Trainer of 15 staff from Ministry of Health working on the PMTCT programme in introduction to SPSS from 26-30 May 2008.
Sept. 2007: SSU project:  NACA Course on Basic and Intermediate SPSS for Windows: Lead Trainer of 22 Staff members of institutions involved in HIV/AIDS studies in Botswana on behalf of the National AIDS Coordinating Agency (NACA), Botswana from 24-28th September 2007.
2007: SADC/CSO training Short-course in CSPRO and SPSS. Co-Trainer of 58 staff members from different organizations involved in official Statistics in Botswana from 10-22nd September 2007.
June 2005 to February 2006: Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology (MCST):  Tender MTC 190/6/16 2004/2005 awarded to EECG/UB Staff Consultants. Statistician for the Consulting Team to set up a National Innovative Data Base for Research and Development in Botswana.
July 2003-Dec 2004: World Bank Energy Reform Study, Botswana (July 2003-Dec 2004). Served as the Statistician for local consultant in Botswana on this project being carried out in 4 countries (Botswana, Ghana, Senegal and Honduras) on energy Use, Energy Supply, Sector Reforms and the Impact on the Poor.  Main responsibilities include adapting international questionnaires to local (Botswana) context, supervision of data entry, cleaning of national data, analysis of secondary and primary (surveyed) data and co-writing of the project report.
April 2004 and June-July 2005: FAO Project: ‘APPUI A LA REHABILITATION DU SYSTEME DE STATSITIQUES ET D’INFORMATION AGRICOLES’ (April 2004 and June-July 2005). Served as an International Consultant in Statistics and Information Systems for FAO for the above project.: Designed data entry programs for the first Annual Agriculture Sample Survey for Gabon. Designed a Web-based database for the existing agriculture data for the Ministry of Agriculture (GabonStat), Gabon, trained local staff in all phases of the project. Trained Gabon’s Statisticians (June-July 2005) in the Department of Agriculture, in use of SPSS data entry to prepare data entry programs, validation and checking of data, and use of SPSS for windows to analyse their first annual agriculture sample survey data and produce relevant tables and to update and launch the web-based data base for the ministry.
May 2002 to January 2003:  Botswana Telecommunications Authority “Market Study of the Telecommunications Sector in Botswana”   (May 2002 to January 2003).  Served as the Statistician for Botswana Telecommunications Authority (BTA) consultancy.  Responsibilities included designing and conducting a survey for demand of telecommunication services in Botswana, analysing relevant data, designing the structure of the database for capturing telecommunications data in Botswana and co-writing the consultancy report. Project awarded to the UB Consulting Group.
October and December, 2001:  FSS project - Ministry of Finance and Development, Botswana: (October and December, 2001). Served as the principal trainer (with other Faculty of Social Science Staff at the University of Botswana) of middle level staff (October 2001) and Senior level staff (December 2001) of the Central Statistics Office (CSO).
Nov. 2001 to July 2002: FAO National Consultant in Statistical Data Processing to Botswana (Nov. 2001 to July 2002): Some of achieved goals included:  teaching SPSS windows and SPSS data entry program to middle and senior staff at the Department of Agricultural Planning and Statistics (DAPS), Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana  Designing the data entry programs for capturing data for the annual agriculture surveys and farm management surveys, training data entry operators, and supervising data entry of all relevant data and assisting DAPS staff in tabulation of  farm management survey data.
Nov 2000-March 2001: JICA PV Master Plan, Botswana (Nov 2000-March 2001). Served as Statistician in designing the questionnaires, analyzing relevant data and co-writing report for the tender awarded to “Energy Environment, Computer and Geophysical Applications” (EECG) Consultants by UNICO International Corporation and Electric Power Development.

4.3: Community Service and Other Services
Regularly attend Stakeholders (such as CSO, BNPC, LEA, etc.) dissemination workshops. Assist their staff  on methodological issues and statistical resources and software – for example, recently I made input into the 2010 Census Questionnaire (suggestions for incorporation of Gender Statistics and ICT questions into the population Census) and  input into  new Statistical Act for establishing the Botswana Statistics Bureau as a parastatal.
March 2004 to April 2006: Chairman of the National Squash Centre Club, Gaborone, Botswana. My responsibilities as chairman ranged from staff recruitment, maintenance of the national facility, youth development, supervision of the club manager, coordinating the organisation of tournaments and working with the Botswana Squash and Racquet Association to organise national and international events
March 2002-Feb 2004: Vice Chairman of the National Squash Centre Club, Gaborone, Botswana
2001-2002:  Committee Member of the National Squash Centre Club, Gaborone, Botswana
1991 to 1992:  Tutor(sub-warden) at Earnshaw Hall of Residence, University of Sheffield.
1989/1990 President of the African Caribbean Students Society, University of Sheffield.
1986/87:  President of the African Caribbean Students Society, University of Sheffield

4.4: Membership of Learned Societies
  • Member the Biometrics Society
  • Member of the South African Statistical Society (SASA).
  • Former Member of the Royal Statistical Society (1990-1993)
  • Former Member of the American Statistical Association. (1995-1998)

5. Academic Leadership
1)  Curriculum Development: From 2007 to Date the Department has under my leadership:
o        Developed a PhD and Mphil program that has been approved at the Departmental Board, FSS Board and Board of School of Graduate studies. The program is on target to be launched in 2010.
o        revised the Diploma in Statistics Program that has been approved by The Departmental Board, Departmental Advisory Board and the Faculty executive and has been presented to the Faculty Board.
2)  Research with Junior Staff
o        I have undertaken various research with junior colleagues in the Department, leading to a number of publications, notably our recent joint paper in July 2009.
o        I am also leading a research project with several members of the Department, mainly junior staff. The study permit has recently been approved and one of he research instruments has already been administered.
3) Collaboration with External Organisations
o        Through engagement with Regional and international organisations such as SADC, UN-ECA, AfDB, PARIS21, the Department is now considered as an important Partner in development of policies on training of Statisticians in the region and the continent. I have been invited to all high level consultative meetings held in the continent on this issue over the last 2 years. I have also been invited to attend two additional workshops in November 2009.
4)  Overall Profile of the Department
o        Departmental research output has increased significantly through the implementation of PMS and research plans in the Department in the last 5 years, leading to a couple of promotions and pending promotions. There are several active research groups in the department at the moment. During the recent International Statistics Institute Conference, 7 members of staff had accepted papers and 6 attended (including a staff member on study leave for PhD) and presented papers, significantly raising the profile of the Department.
5)  Management of Resources: Staffing Training and recruitment and budget management
o        In the last year, the Department has finally succeeded in filling all its professorial positions, and all but one of its senior lecturers posts. It is expected that this position would be filled through internal promotion One staff member has completed an MSc. and PhD, another has completed a PhD, two are on the tail end of their PhDs and one is scheduled to go for PhD. Department budgets have been spent according to the votes, and Department has managed to attract external funding to supplement some of the votes, notably on research seminars.

Prof. N. Forcheh                                                  
Department of Statistics,
University of Botswana
Private Bag UB00705, Gaborone
Tel: 267-75262963, 73385130 , office: 267-355 2696; fax: +267 3185099

[1] Forthcoming conference for which Paper has been accepted with funding.  


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